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Wire Man

A rigged and animated recreation of a wire-sculpture that I made out of a single piece of 17 gauge steel fencing wire. Recreated in Maya by extruding mesh along a 3D path made using a CV curve tool. Rigging and walk cycle done in Advanced Skeleton then altered manually to add more bounce and follow-through. Music done by Logan Hornyak, Melaina Kol.

Initial inspiration: a wire man I made over the summer out of fencing wire

Initial inspiration: a wire man I made over the summer out of fencing wire

New iteration of wire man with similar face.  Body changed to have better joints for bending as a rig

New iteration of wire man with similar face. Body changed to have better joints for bending as a rig

Remade in Maya through extrusion on a drawn CV curve.

Base walk cycle and rig imported from Advanced Skeleton. Altered to add more bounce and follow through.